Sunday, December 30, 2007

Games: Mar - Dec 07

According to the games I logged at BGG this is what I've been playing since my last post:

San Juan 19 - I don't play as much as I used to, but for me this remains the classic two player game.

No Thanks! 9 - A fun filler. It replaced Circus Flohcati for a while, but in turn has been replaced by For Sale. Once everybody knows what's going on it seems like the game is more decided by which cards urn up than the players actions.

Alhambra 8 - Remains a firm favourite of some of my group.

Lost Cities 8 - A regular two-player filler.

Diamant 7 - My game group has got bigger in the last few months, so anything that plays up to six is getting more play.

Power Grid 7 - This is the current favourite 'heavy' game for my group. I don't like it as much as the others (I'd rather play Princes of Florence or Amun-Re).

Scrabble 6 - Ocassional evening games with a friend.

Circus Flohcati 5 - Filler, sees less play now I have No Thanks and For Sale.

For Sale 5 - I really enjoy this. Very easy to play 'just one more game'.

Puerto Rico 5 - Still a great game. Whatever happened to the second expansion that was rumoured?

Torres 5 - Torres seems like it should be a chess-like brain-burner, but it doesn't play that way. One three-player game saw the newbie win!

Ingenious 4 - Two players is fun, three player has seating issue problems. I haven't tried the four-player partnership version.

Jambo 4 - I prefer San Juan.

Apples to Apples British Isles Edition 3 - Fun, but the UK card mix seems a little off to me somehow.

Runebound Second Edition 3 - Multiplayer solitaire effectively and has runaway leader problems.

Blue Moon 2 - I like this but don't really have anybody to play regularly against.
Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers 2 - I prefer this to original Carc.

Carcassonne: The Castle 2 - And with two players, I prefer the Castle.

Citadels 2 - Playing in English really helps, and some of the expansion stuff is interesting. One guy in my group really dislikes this though.

Great Wall of China 2 - Okay, but nothing special.

HeroScape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie 2 - Mindless dice rolling fun if you're in the right mood.

Hollywood Blockbuster 2 - I really like this, it should get played more.

Liar's Dice 2 - Fun, but somehow the rules regarding bids of 1s seem slightly wonky to me.

Razzia 2 - Useful for large numbers, but not played so much as I have got other games that can handle six (For Sale, Diamant)

Atlantic Star 2 - Okay game that works with six (like Alhambra you just have to accept that it's going to be slighltly out of your control and go with flow)

Blood Bowl: Living RuleBook 1 - A good game but it takes too long, and can get overcomplicated once experienced teams with many skills face off.

Caesar and Cleopatra 1 - Played once, didn't think much of this.

Carcassonne 1 - I prefer H&G

Caylus Magna Carta 1 - Only played once, and that was with the basic rules - which suck. That's a shame, from my online plays I'm pretty certain this is a good game.

Domaine 1 - A good game, but only really at it's best with three players which limits it's plays.

Family Fluxx 1 - Family Fluxx seems to end more realiably than normal Fluxx (probably a function of having a much smaller deck).

Kaboodl 1 - Silly set collecting card game.

Lunch Money 1 - Slilly overcomplicated card game that gets dragged out by the need to keep checking the rules.

Ticket to Ride: USA 1910 2 - The 1910 destination tickets and 15pt most tickets bonus greatly improve TTR.

Tigris & Euphrates 1 - Still a great game.

I also played some Shadowfist during the year, after the release of the new set.

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